Disability Pride Month Festival Programme July 2023
See below our full Festival Programme for Disability Pride Month, July 2023!
You can download a PDF version here:
Festival Programme Overview:
Week One:
- Monday 10th July– Trailblazers and Rulebreakers, A Guided Sensory Tour with Emilie Conway of the Lavinia Fontana Exhibition in the National Gallery, Dublin, 11.30am.
- Friday 14th July– Chicago and Italy Panel Discussion: Disability Pride Around the World- online via Zoom, 7pm Irish Time.
- Saturday 15th July– Undercurrent’s Moving Together Dance Workshop, 2-5pm in The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Leitrim
- Sunday 16th July– Virtue Out of Necessity, Theatre Workshop with Isolde O’Brolcháin-Carmody and Donal O’Kelly, 2-5pm in The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Leitrim.
Week Two:
- Thursday 20th July– Banner-Making Workshop, 5.30-8.30pm, Mud Island Community Gardens, Dublin
- Friday 21st July– Poster-Making Workshop by Zoe of the Autistic Art Club, 8-9pm, Block T, Dublin 8.
- Saturday 22nd July– Disability Pride and Power Parade, 2pm Trinity College Dublin to the Government Buildings
- Saturday 22nd July– Karaoke Afterparty and Open Mic, 5.15pm, St Andrews Resource Centre, Pearse St., Dublin
Wednesday 26th July– Clare Leader Forum’s Disability Pride Parade, Ennis, Co. Clare, 11.45am
Full Programme Details:
- Trailblazers and Rulebreakers: A Guided Sensory Tour with Emilie Conway- Monday 10th July

Alt text: Image shows a painting of the biblical Judith with fair skin and golden-red hair tied back with a gauze veil, carrying a sword in her right hand. The background is painted dark teal. Judith’s finery is depicted in detail with lace, jewels and gold embellishments on a wine red-pink dress. To the right of the painting is the figure of another woman beside her, with darker skin and brown hair tied back. Credit: Lavinia Fontana, Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1600 – detail. Museo Davia Bargellini, Bologna, Italy. Taken from the National Gallery site.
Date: Monday 10 July
Location: Exhibition Desk
Time: 11.30am
Admission: Free. Booking required.
Join Emilie Conway for a unique sensory experience exploring the work of Lavinia Fontana while surrounded by her masterpieces. Emilie will guide visitors through the exhibition on a tour incorporating audio description, tactile elements and her own practice as an artist and musician. Devised specifically to enrich the experience of visually impaired visitors to the Gallery, but open to everyone. All tours are fully accessible. Book via our website.
2. Undercurrent Collective’s Moving Together Workshop – Saturday 15th July

Alt Text: Image shows a poster with two girls in electric wheelchairs dancing, in front a woman with a red dress with black flowers has one arm bent in the air and the other on her heart, with a dreamy expression and medium-length black curly hair. Behind her a woman with blonde hair, glasses and a purple jumper looks boldly ahead. They are in a grey room with grey walls. The poster reads “Undercurrent present, Moving Together- dance share- discussions- cross arts play- connect.” At the bottom is The Dock and other sponsors, and reads “15th July, Free event with lunch provided, 12pm-4.30pm. Full programme plus additional access supports/enquiries on booking. Book at www.thedock.ie or call 071 965 0828)
Date: Saturday 15th July 2023
Location: The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim
Time: 12 – 4.30pm
Please note that for the two Leitrim events on July 15th and 16th, we have teamed up with Undercurrent Collective and Leitrim County Council to provide free accessible travel costs and shared accommodation in the Landmark Hotel, organised by Isolde and Kate. To join us, book here, call 071 965 0828 or email us at disabilitypowerireland@gmail.com
Join Undercurrent founding members Kate Wilson and Isolde Ó’Brolcháin-Carmody,
with special guest, Nigerian dancer, Loveth Oyiboko, for a day of dance sharing,
discussions and cross arts play in a relaxed inclusive environment. This is ta an
informal and playful atmosphere.
Combining short video and live showcases, with participatory workshops and group
discussions, there will be opportunities for reflective writing, drawing and making
throughout the day. Moving Together is a space for making creative connections and
for taking time to explore, reflect and share.
All are welcome! No previous experience required – just an inquisitive mind and a
playful attitude! The day is structured so that you can follow your own needs with
joining in and taking time out. There are spaces for resting, a quiet room and breaks
with refreshments including a light lunch.
The theatre at the Dock is a wheelchair-accessible space. There is one accessible
toilet in the building. The theatre space is a large well-ventilated space with a loop
system. Participants are encouraged to wear masks in the indoor setting. You can
give us details of your access requirements and dietary restrictions when booking.
This is a free event, but booking is required, online here: Moving Together | What’s On | The Dock
You can also call 071 965 0828 for further information, access support, booking and inquiries.
3. Leitrim Festival: VIRTUE OUT OF NECESSITY – Sunday 16th July
Aesthetic Accessibility and Sustainable Theatre
Theatre Workshop with Donal O’Kelly and Isolde ÓBrolcháin-Carmody

Image shows a poster which reads “Virtue Out of Necessity: Aesthetic Accessibility and Sustainable Theatre” for International Disability Pride and Power Month 2023. The large image in the middle shows a close-up of a white woman’s side profile facing left, eyes downcast and thoughtful, perhaps mournful, wearing a black velvet hooded cape. Underneath is written some details of the event, all of which are included in our description below. There are also logos for The Dock, Arts Council and Leitrim County Council.
Date: Sunday 16th July 2023
Location: The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Please note that for the two Leitrim events on July 15th and 16th, we have teamed up with Undercurrent Collective and Leitrim County Council to provide free accessible travel costs and shared accommodation in the Landmark Hotel, organised by Isolde and Kate. To join us, book here, call 071 965 0828 or email: disabilitypowerireland@gmail.com
Theatre-making can be very exclusionary to disabled people. Raised stages without ramp access, small-print wordy scripts, long hours of physically demanding work… But it doesn’t have to be.
In this workshop, Isolde and Donal will bring participants through tools and approaches for building theatre around the disabled body-mind. Their approach centres the unique creative potential of each person’s living experience, bringing self-compassion, practicality and sustainable practices to the fore.
In essence, we will join together in making space available for theatrical expression, in a relaxed-but-focused and freed-up way.
Accessibility Information:
- The workshop is scheduled to take place from 2pm to 5pm / 14:00 – 17:00 on Sunday 16th July. A half-hour break is scheduled from 3.15 to 3.45 / 15:15 – 15:45.
- Participants are encouraged to take breaks whenever they need to
- The Green Room in the theatre will be available as a quiet space with hot drinks and snacks to hand.
- Participants are also welcome to sit, stand, or lie to the side of the workshop space if they want to rest physically but continue to listen in to the rest of the group. There will be cushions and blankets available for comfort.
- Facilities for drinks and snacks will be audibly described using red “Talking Tins” devices. These are round, plastic devices with textured buttons playing pre-recorded information. They will be placed along a counter-top in the Green Room. Please ask for sighted assistance if you need orientation.
- The workshop space has a functioning loop system.
- The venue is wheelchair accessible, with ramps to the main entrance and automatic doors.
- The workshop space, a black-box theatre, is on the ground floor of the venue.
- The workshop space is large and well-ventilated, and participants are encouraged to wear masks to facilitate immuno-compromised participants.
- Please do not use chemical fragrances or deodorants, as these can be toxic to some individuals.
- There is one medium-sized accessible toilet on the same floor as the workshop space.
- There will be several volunteers available to work as on-site assistants. They will greet you as you enter the building so you know who to ask for help.
For enquiries about accessibility and to request assistance, please contact Lara Byrne;
Telephone: 071 965 0828 Email: lara.byrne@leitrimcoco.ie
Book Tickets here: Virtue out of Necessity: Aesthetic Accessibility and Sustainable Theatre | What’s On | The Dock
4. Chicago and Italy Panel Discussion: Disability Pride Around the World – Friday 14th July

Image shows the disability pride flag in the background and reads “International Panel Discussion: Disabled Pride Around the World: with Chicago and Italia Disability Pride Parades- Friday 14th July, 7pm Irish Time. The Disability Power Ireland logo, with the lightning bolt and pride flag, is in the top right corner, and on the bottom right corner, the Chicago Pride Parade, Disability Pride Italia and Disability Pride Network logos
Date: Friday 14th July
Time: 7pm, Irish Time – 1pm, Chicago Time – 8pm, Italian Time
Location: Online via Zoom
Register via Eventbrite here:
Celebrate Disability Pride Month with us by exploring the disability pride movement around the world.
Last year we spoke to Chicago, who held the first ever disability pride parade in 2004. This year we will also be joined by Disability Pride Italia, who have linked disability pride parades across Italy, including Milan, Rome, Bologna, Genova, Palermo and more.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from international experts as they discuss the various challenges and triumphs they’ve faced in their work and gain a deeper understanding of disability pride on a global scale. This discussion will take place on Fri Jul 14 2023 at 19:00 Irish Time, 13:00 Chicago Time, and 20:00 Italian Time
Carmelo Comisi and Aimone Spinola- Disability Pride Network Italia
W.A. Thomasson and Mary Delgado- Chicago Disability Pride Parade
Speaking to Maryam Madani- Disability Power Ireland
5. Banner-Making Workshop- Thursday 20th July

Alt text: image shows the disability pride flag in the background with the Disability Power Ireland logo in the top right corner. At the top a red label reads “Extra Date Added”, and beneath the bubble reads “Disabled People Can’t Wait: Banner-Making Session”. A second white bubble with black writing beneath reads “Thursday 20th July, Mud Island Community gardens, 5.30-8.30pm, Meet at the Spire at 5pm”
Thursday 20th July
5.30pm – 8.30pm
Mud Island Community Gardens, Ballybough- meet at the Spire at 5pm
Get Ready With Us as we prepare for our parade with our second banner-making session in the beautiful Mud Island Community Gardens. Make whatever posters and slogans you’d like to show your pride and power!
6. Autistic Art Club Poster-Making Session- Friday 21st July

Alt Text: Image shows a turquoise background with the Autistic Art Club logo at the top, and beneath the words “Disabled Pride Parade Poster Making Session, and a graphic of raised fists with different skin tones holding red, yellow and black posters. Under this is written “Friday 21st July 8-9pm” and beneath, “All disabled and neurodivergent people welcome.” Below, “Block T, Dublin 8” and the words “Email Zoe: theaustisticartclub@gmail.com to receive location details
Date: Friday 21st July
Location: Block T, Dublin 8 (email Zoe for more details)
Time: 8-9pm
This extra poster-making workshop has been kindly organised by Zoe McCormack who runs the Autistic Art Club, to give more options for those who can’t make the other two dates, so everyone can proudly hold a poster with them for the parade.
7. Disability Pride and Power Parade- Sat 22nd July

Alt Text: Image shows a purple background and the words “Disability Power Ireland Presents” with two yellow lightning bolts on either side. The title in different fonts and colours of the disability pride flag reads “Disabled People Can’t Wait” with a clock to the right side. At the bottom in white “A Celebration of Disabled Joy,” Saturday 22nd July.
Join us as we come out of the shadows and make ourselves visible on the streets of Dublin, in a colourful celebration open to all disabled people and allies.
Date: Saturday 22nd July
Location: From Trinity College to the Government Buildings/Department of the Taoiseach
Time: 2pm start, estimated arrival at end point 3.30pm
8. Karaoke Afterparty and Open Mic- Sat 22nd July

Alt text: image shows a black poster with the words Karaoke After Party and Open Mic Use for Voice for Fun: July 22nd, St Andrews Resource Center, Pearse St., 5.30pm An neon multicoloured image shows a hand holding a microphone with music and star images.
Date: Saturday 22nd July
Location: St Andrew’s Resource Centre, Pearse St. (N.B. this is the St. Andrews on Pearse St., not the St. Andrews in Rialto)
Time: 5.15/5.30pm till late
Join us for an unforgettable party to close off the Disability Pride and Power Parade! MC-ed by Drag King Extraordinaire, Viktor Complex, with guest performers and a stage open to all, we will off-key sing our hearts out. Finger food provided and more details to follow.
9. Clare Leader Forum Disability Pride Parade

Alt Text: Image shows a beach with sun and palm trees against a blue sky. The title reads “Disability Pride Parade and Summer Party,” 11.45 am at the Height, 12.45pm The Temple Gate. 10 euro at the door. 26th July Wednesday, with special guest Disco by DJ Tommy Ryan
Date: Wednesday 26th July 2023
Location: Ennis, Clare. Starting from The Height, and marching to The Temple Gate Hotel and back.
Time: 11.45am for the March, 12.45-2.15pm disco at The Temple Gate Hotel
Disability Power Ireland members will join stalwart activists Clare Leader Forum for their Disability Pride Parade in Ennis, Co. Clare. The parade from 11.45am will be followed by an afterparty disco with finger food in the The Temple Gate Hotel from 12.45pm.
Previous Events for Disability Pride Month, July 2023

Alt text: image shows the disability pride flag in the background with the Disability Power Ireland logo in the top right corner. A white bubble with black text reads “Disabled People Can’t Wait: Banner-Making Session”. A second white bubble with black writing beneath reads “July 2nd, Mud Island Community gardens, 2-6pm”
Our first Banner Making Session took place on Sunday July 2nd. We still have two more banner-making sessions in July, one on Thursday 20th July in Mud Island Community Gardens, and another organised by Zoe of the Autistic Art Club on Friday 21st July.