We are excited to announce that this Saturday, 22nd July, we will host Ireland’s first Disability Pride and Power Parade, in recognition of Disability Pride Month!
Join us as we come out of the shadows and make ourselves visible on the streets of Dublin, in a colourful celebration open to all disabled people and allies.
To see our full programme of events for disability pride month, see here.
Disabled People Can’t Wait: We can’t wait to come together and celebrate the beauty of our existence, which is a natural part of human diversity. We rejoice in the resilience, creativity and power of our community.
Disabled People Can’t Wait: We can’t wait any longer for our human rights to be realised, while we suffer from social barriers, exclusion, lack of PA hours, lack of access to buildings, transport and employment. We can’t wait any longer for our voices to be heard.
This is the double-edged experience of being disabled- on one side joy and pride and on the other, anger and frustration.
We will meet outside Trinity College Dublin at 2pm, and make our way down to the Government Buildings by Merrion Square Park, the site of the historical sleepout for personal assistance service rights in 2012.
The parade will take place on the same day as Chicago Disability Pride Parade in solidarity.
We will be joined by members of Ireland’s other DPOs (disabled persons’ organisations) and disabled-led groups including: Neuro Pride Ireland, Disabled Women Ireland, Full Spectrum Ireland, Access 4 All Ireland, Physical Impairment Ireland, Disabled Artists and Disabled Academics (DADA), Voice of Vision Impairment Ireland, Gateway Mental Health Project and a cohort of disabled dogs from Golden Paws!
Our Headline Act is the Acoustic Punk Advocacy Service. Other acts and speakers include Drag King Viktor Complex, comedian Saoirse Smith, Cllr. Declan Meenagh, and activists Daniel Airey, Cír Doyle of Neuro Pride Ireland, Leo Kavanagh of Physical Impairment Ireland and Maryam Madani, Leesa Flynn, Peadar O’Dea of Disability Power Ireland.
Poster Designed by Alannah Murray
Parade Organised by Maryam Madani
Access Info for the Parade:
- Meet at the front entrance to Trinity College Dublin, Dame St, at 2pm, where we will slowly make our way down together to the Government Buildings.
- The full parade route is 1km long, or 20 minutes walking length. We will march slowly at an estimated time of 1 hour 20 minutes, arriving for speeches and entertainment at the Government Buildings at 3.30pm until 5pm.
- We will pause the parade for about 6 minutes outside the National Gallery to allow toilet and rest breaks.
- If at any point during the parade you need a moment to rest or require assistance, please ask one of our Peer Stewards for support- they will be on hand throughout the parade wearing hi-vis, and will stay back with you or accompany you to St. Andrews Resource Community Centre.
- If you cannot march in the parade itself, you are more than welcome at the end-point for speeches at the Government Buildings from 3.15/3.30-5pm, and the Karaoke Afterparty in St. Andrews Resource.
- We recommend all participants to bring a small chocolate bar or snack and some water. Water will also be available at St. Andrews Resource Community Centre.
- Participants can leave any heavy bags in St. Andrew’s Resource Centre reception. There will also be seats, cushions and water available. This is a wheelchair accessible venue with wheelchair accessible toilets.
- The Quiet Zone in St. Andrew’s Resource Centre will be open from 5pm and during the Afterparty from 5.30pm to 8pm where there will also be food provided by Cooking for Freedom.
- Participants in the parade who are able to are encouraged to mask and to antigen test before attending the parade to facilitate immuno-compromised marchers.
- There are nearby accessible toilets in St. Andrew’s Resource Centre, outside St. Stephen’s Green, in the National Gallery and in Marks and Spencers on Grafton St.
- Unfortunately, due to this being a completely voluntary operation, we will not be able to provide ISL interpretation.
- If you have any questions about your access needs or would like assistance planning your journey, please message us at: disabilitypowerireland@gmail.com
Parade Route:

Image shows a map of the parade route going from Front Arch of Trinity College Dublin to the Government Buildings.

Image shows a second map of the route from he Government Buildings to St. Andrew’s Resource Centre.